Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well Hello again! This was a really good article about communication & problem solving amongst designers, Techies, & Nonprofits, titled: Good For Nothing? Why Nonprofits, Designers, and Techies Can't Talk to Each Other By Ayça Akin.

More than food for thought, Akin points out problemS we may face when looking to volunteer services. We shouldn't shun ourselves away from Nonprofits because the work is pro bono or difficult to get off the ground. But we should be aware of some of the pitfalls many face when working as the intermediary between Nonprofits and Techies.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The true truth about design in China.

Watch out world, China is on its way! This already evolving nation is emerging as a design powerhouse propelled by sophisticated design schools. But this rising domestic industry looks like it will be a rich resource for design consultancies in the US. Hopefully these progressive minds aren’t turned into another vehicle for outsourcing.

Read the entire article at businessweek.com