Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Screenager Research

In order to create a successful brand in today's world advertisers must gear their work towards the evergrowing population of the "Screenagers".

It's the demographic of 12-18 year olds with the affinity for
electronic communication, computers, phones, television, etc.
Characteristics include:
digital natives, gamers, nomadic communication styles, media variety, collaboration & intelligence, balanced lives, and less reading. They are comfortable in the virtual environment-this digital generation is creating a new world of personalized and mobile news and entertainment. Multi–tasking on a single device is a necessary skill only inproved by the even younger the milennial generation. They are part of a world in constant change and updates. Dialup access need not apply.

Here are some articles on the screenager culture:
Open Blogs, Not Locked Diaries

The Screenager Generation

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